• Apr. 15 (Tue)-17 (Thu),25
  • Tokyo Big Sight, Japan

Date:May 10 [Wed] - 12 [Fri], 2023
Venue:South Hall, Tokyo Big Sight, Japan
Organiser:RX Japan Ltd.


Latest Technologies/Services all gathered here! 

Manufacturing, Construction, Logistics, Retailing, Finance, etc. Professionals from various fields visited the show and active meetings were conducted everywhere.

A physical exhibition enables you to experience, compare and consult various advanced technologies/services on-site.

The concurrently-held conference welcomed the industry's leading experts in AI, Web3 and Quantum technology.

"1-on-1 individual show guide"  is now available!

Feel free to come over the "Space Reservation Counter", our staff (English/中文/한국어) will be here to answer your questions like...